Thứ Sáu, 22 tháng 11, 2019

Hướng dẫn mô hình hóa động cơ DC trong MATLAB Simulink

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The input to the system is the voltage applied to the motor's armature (V), while the output is the angular position of the shaft (theta).
The physical parameters for our example are:
 (J)     moment of inertia of the rotor     3.2284E-6 kg.m^2
(b)     motor viscous friction constant    3.5077E-6 N.m.s
(Kb)    electromotive force constant       0.0274 V/rad/sec
(Kt)    motor torque constant              0.0274 N.m/Amp
(R)     electric resistance                4 Ohm
(L)     electric inductance                2.75E-6H
J=3.2284e-6; b=3.5077e-6;K=0.0274;R=4;L=2.75e-6
J*thetadotdot + b*thetadot = K *i
L*idot + R*i = V- K* thetadot
thetadotdot=1/J*(K*i - b*thetadot)
idot =1/L*(V-K*thetadot-R*i)

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